- Saraland Middle School
- Attendance
One of the most important things a parent or guardian can do for their child is ensure they are in school on time every day. It is key to their learning, success in school, and ultimately success in life. Saraland City School System maintains an attendance and truancy policy, which were written in accordance with Alabama State Board of Education Administrative Code, and §16-28-1 et seq., Code of Alabama (1975).
- Students between the ages of six (6) and seventeen (17) shall be required to attend a public school, private school, church school or to be instructed by a competent private tutor for the entire length of the school year.
- A school day is defined as the starting and ending time of the entire day.
- Students must be in attendance one-half of the instructional day to be counted present. The parent or guardian must send a written note if the student is checked out prior to completing one-half of the instructional day. In grades 6-12, attendance is recorded each period/block. In grades 9-12, excessive absences in a block may result in loss of credit.
- Checkouts should be conducted through the main office no later than 2:15pm for middle / high school students or 2:30pm for early ed / elementary school students.
- Students are required to be on time for school.
- Late arrivals should report to the main office to check in.
- Any missed school will be categorized as an excused absence, excused tardy, unexcused absence, or unexcused tardy.
- Excessive absences will subject a student, parent or guardian to truancy policies and procedures.
See the Parent-Student Code of Conduct for information regarding tardies, reasons for excused absences, excessive absences and truancy.