• Stay tuned for information about how to try out for the 2024-2025 Scholar's Bowl Team! 

    An announcement will be made at school with more information in the coming weeks. 


    Comments (-1)

Scholars' Bowl Team Members text 81010@scholarsms to sign up for Remind.

  • Scholars’ Bowl team consists of students from grades 6-8 who compete with other schools around Mobile and Baldwin Counties. It is a competition in which two teams compete head-to-head to answer questions from all general areas of knowledge including history, literature, science, fine arts, current events, sports, popular culture, and more.


    During our scholars' bowl season, we will practice every Wednesday until 4:00 p.m. Competition matches are scheduled for Thursday. Please make sure you have a ride to pick you up promptly at 4:00 after practice.



    Competitions start between 3:30-3:45. Parents are welcome to attend.


    The question provider for the competitions is NAQT. 


    2024-2025 Scholars' Bowl Team

    1. Caleb Corcoran
    2. Chastyne Darrington
    3. Leigha Daugherty
    4. Aiden Edmonds
    5. Asher Everett
    6. Braxton Green
    7. Ben Harmening
    8. Damon Hawkins
    9. Bryce Hilliard
    10. Isaac Itza
    11. Macy Mabrey
    12. Kiersten Stewart