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Powerschool is the online portal used for students/parents to access their grades, assignments, attendance, schedule, etc.
Progress Report Dates
September 6
November 8
February 7
April 17
Report Card Distribution Dates
October 17
January 9
March 14
May 24
Grading Scale
100-90 A
89-80 B
79-70 C
69-60 D
59 - F
SHS Cheating Policy
1st Offense-------Grade of 0 given by teacher, parent notified
2nd Offense------Grade of 0 given by teacher, parent notified, Office Referral (assigned ISS or Saturday School)
3rd Offense------Grade of 0 given by teacher, parent notified, counselor notified, Office Referral (assigned 1-day suspension)
4th Offense------Grade of 0 given by teacher, parent notified, Office Referral (2-day suspension), meeting with principal and counselor